Abstract:Using the model made from lots of spring-blocks, we may model the complication of earthquakes,In this paper,by cellular automata(CA) as mathematical tools,with the results of seismology and rock mechanics,comsidering about the energy gathering and energy losses,we do digital modelling for earthquake events,then do multifractal analysis for "earthquakes" events from this model in both time and space fields,and discuss self-organized critical(SOC)state,Further,we get the conclusion in which event distribution shows hierarchy structure,at least, in time field and is coincident with self-similarity nature.This CA model is a determinacy Chaos system, its statistics for frequency and magnitude of lots of events under the state of SOC accords with Gutenberg-Richter index law well.The results show that although self-organized (SO)state might be more accurate earthquake expression,SOC still is a very good mode in earthquake studies.